Tribal nations

In 2023 we began working with our first Tribal nation and we could not be more happy about this organizational development. The relationships we have built, the education we have received, and the creative, inclusive solutions we have advanced through federal grant writing have been some of the most rewarding experiences of our lives. We are humble in our approach and grateful for the ways we are learning to develop a culturally responsive approach. We are eager to do and learn more in this realm. If your Tribal nation or its citizens could benefit from strategic planning, non-hierarchial approaches to problem solving, and inclusive grant planning or writing, please connect with us. We’d be honored.

Nonprofit Sector

We know this world well. From impassioned start-ups to larger institutions, we love the people and organizations that are called to create, support, and serve. In this realm, we see patterns and are energized by the varied ways we can help support executive leadership, fundraising, board development, and grant writing.  

Private Sector

HKM has successfully supported multiple for-profit entities with federal grant writing, municipal connectivity, strategic partnerships, legislative advocacy, and broader communication efforts. Employee housing, renewable energy, and business expansion are all complex issues. Oftentimes organizations lack the internal capacity to do the research and build the relationships that are the cornerstone to success in this arena. We can support internal capacity gaps without slowing down the day-to-day operations that make your business a business. 

Public Sector   

We love to work with the municipalities and civic institutions that make a community a place where people want to live, work, and recreate. From governing councils to libraries to downtown development organizations, we bring clarity, inclusive facilitation, and strategic frameworks that allow our public institutions to achieve goals that ultimately foster quality-of-life improvements and welcoming spaces.