
Know thyself. Know thy problem. Know thy opportunity. HKM & Associates’ research services save clients time and support informed decision-making. Our team can dive deep into varied information landscapes and demystify technical language, contextualize scientific insights, evaluate predictive scenarios, recognize policy implications, and navigate relevant funding streams for our clients. A client once referenced this work as a “translation service,” and we wear that compliment as a badge of honor. 


Our approach to advancement is multi-tactical and informed by nearly two decades of work with philanthropic, governmental, and community-based funders.

Some fund development strategies involve relationships, strategic outreach, and effective communication that conveys importance and urgency. HKM has extensive experience with capital campaigns, major gift cultivation, fundraising cycle planning, and events.

Other fund development tactics involve points and a rubric. Our team has extensive experience writing millions of dollars worth of local, state, and federal proposals. HKM support services vary greatly and include competitive analysis, research, program development, and grant writing. We work backward from known deadlines and bring order to what can feel like chaos in the less experienced hands. 


Your thinking is only as good as your ability to convey it. At HKM we know that literacy is reading, writing, listening, thinking, and viewing. This understanding drives our approach to tailoring the right message to the right audience. 

We love to support clients in translating complex ideas into resonant stories and compelling narratives that inspire action. Our approach is strategic and appropriately contextualized for different audiences. 

We have proven successes with multi-million dollar state, federal, and philanthropic grant planning and writing. Our facilitation skills can successfully integrate multiple players into a unified plan. Let us help you build a bridge that moves your theory to practice. 

Organizational Development

The HKM culture is far from corporate, and our team has a penchant for bringing the best out of people, communities, and organizations. We are curious observers who approach organizational development with a strengths-based and research-informed framework. We guide entities to highlight the practices, traditions, and relationships that promote organizational fidelity while facilitating an honest examination of the patterns, disconnects, and truths that can hamper growth.

We are dynamic thinkers and attuned listeners who understand the sensitivities and resistance that can accompany change. We provide clients with a scaffolding that affords safety and the ability to see from new vantage points. From there, we help construct the framework that will support growth.

Program/Project Strategy

We love transforming intimidating unknowns into approachable steps and organizational efficacy. Our team can guide the internal strategy creation or design the blueprint ourselves. In either scenario, we lead with culturally responsive thinking that evaluates opportunity costs and thoughtfully considers the people, relationships, and communities most affected by new ways of thinking. 

Our strategy creation includes deliberate partnerships, clear milestones, progress monitoring methodologies, and an awareness of future landscapes. These elements are anchored with resonant storytelling that matches a compelling narrative with the right audience.